
Monday, October 15, 2012

BrandX with Russell Brand Review

I belong to Crowdtap, and they sent me a nice digital kit for the premiere of season 2 BrandX with Russell Brand. It was so much fun to have an inside look at the brilliant and hilarious mind of Russell Brand. I don't know if it is his accent, or his quirky witty attitude, but he is hilarious and a bit raunchy at times!

The show premiered on October 11th at 11:00 p.m. est. If you missed the premiere of the second season, don't worry! FX will repeat it. For more information, check it out here.

My husband and I love to throw parties with great friends. Unfortunately, only a couple were able to join us due to the late night showing. Maybe next time Crowdtap will let us TIVO it and throw a party on a Friday night so we will have a better turnout. Regardless, it was a great time! We served your usual chips and dips, but on top of that we made my Mom's famous baked ziti served with fried scallops! Yum!

In my opinion, the show is quite hilarious! Russell is very raunchy, so I am cautioning you now! If you get offended easily, then this may not be the right show for you. If you love to laugh and are open minded, then you will love this show! I believe it will be easy for Russell to get a good lineup of celebrities He even had Opie from Sons of Anarchy! I can't quote some of the funny stuff because it is not appropriate for my blog, but if you caught this first episode, know that we all were dying laughing on the restraining order bit! ;)

Overall, we all were laughing at Russell. You are either laughing with him or at him, but either way you are laughing! Check out the show, and let me know your thoughts!